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FAST Company: How to Compete in a Crowded FAST Landscape

随着越来越多的优质内容工作室认真对待FAST(免费广告支持的流媒体电视),频道数量也在增长, 独立流媒体如何与有限的预算和内容竞争? Is it more than finding and focusing on a niche? Independent Streaming Alliance co-founders Floris Bauer from Gunpowder & Sky and Tim Ware from Crackle Connex讨论了他们的个人和集体生存策略, thriving, and monetizing with Streaming Made Easy’s Marion Ranchet in this clip from Streaming Media NYC.

Ranchet注意到内容所有者最初不愿意开放他们的图书馆,以及FAST领域日益激烈的竞争. 她想知道FAST频道如何与进入FAST生态系统的大型电影公司竞争.

In the beginning, Bauer says, “I made the mistake of thinking that FAST was the new cable, 现在我意识到你不是在与以前的有线电视频道竞争,因为他们只有200或300个频道. In this world, you compete with 100,000 YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and gaming channels. So there are way more options. So, your channel and your brand need to be super clear.” He outlines how Gunpowder & Sky has segmented its content offerings into sci-fi, aliens, and paranormal categories, with distinct brand names and logos.

Ranchet agrees and says that today, 用户需要能够点击编程菜单,并立即了解他们将从供应商得到什么, and the more specific, the better. “We're not looking for Netflix within FAST,” she says. “So I think that's one of the mistakes they're making.”

Ware强调了独立主播的代表性问题,以及为什么 Independent Streaming Alliance它由15家独立的流媒体公司组成. 他说:“我们不属于大型硬件制造商或媒体公司. “我们面临的挑战和机遇”需要共同应对, 这包括提升渠道价值和保持其商业模式, distribution challenges, and measurement issues.

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