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考虑到传统媒体衡量公司一直未能充分代表不同的受众, minority-owned content companies targeting multicultural audiences face unique challenges in tracking those audiences and leveraging the data to monetize their channels, as 阳狮集团媒体 EVP文化投资 & Stephen Paez在与媒体世界制图师的坦诚讨论中解释了创新 埃文·夏皮罗 在纽约流媒体.


夏皮罗说 that he believes the data currently available in 免费的 Ad-Supported TV (FAST) is not as good as it should be since there is not yet a universal tracking source, 同时使用月活跃度作为测量参考. 但是他对Paez说, “你觉得你可以瞄准你的受众, 在基于印象的广告活动的整个生命周期中跟踪他们, 然后在另一边得到真实的性能数据. 你介意从你的角度谈谈那次经历吗?”

“我们知道,传统的测量公司一直没有充分代表不同的受众,Paez说. “所以一开始,你就已经有赤字了. 如果你拥有多元文化, 你要么没有天平,我把它放在报价里,因为传统的媒体测量公司不倾向于这样做, 或者你有可能因为小组成员不能代表听众而表现不佳. 我认为机会在哪里, 从快速通道的角度来看, 是你吗?, 作为出版商, 你能诚实地告诉我你能提供什么吗. You're no longer dependent on a third party to be able to tell you your audience went from 1 million to a hundred thousand because there weren't two people watching TV. 所以如果你诚实地对自己说, “我可以提供X数量的印象, 你要以买家的身份把我全部交出来, 我会回到你身边,因为你有那种能力. 而, 传统上, 我们从少数族裔拥有或针对少数族裔的平台上看到了什么, 由于它依赖于第三方,因此承担了相当大的责任.”


Paez强调,对于拥有多样化受众的FAST频道来说,媒体买家的透明度至关重要. “我认为最好是你能送100个,再送100个, 而不是说你能送一千个,却只送一百个. 所以现在媒体公司的责任是,你知道吗? 我要向你想要的听众传达与他们相关的内容. 但这是我的存货量.”


夏皮罗说, “在我听来, 至少从我所读到的和与人交谈的内容来看是这样的, is that we're moving much less towards an ‘impressions based on pure demographic buy’ to one that is based on outcomes, 可能的买家类型, 然后追踪他们,直到最后一次接触, 但更重要的是, 一直穿过漏斗. 你正坐在一个大组织里. 你觉得这种趋势正在朝那个方向发展吗? Is that reflected in your move towards things like FAST because it gives you a level of new sources of 信息?”

Paez说追踪数据, 尤其是对于不同的观众, 是否因为数据隐私法而变得更加困难. “KPIs are extremely critical when you're thinking about diverse audiences because they might not be in the same place as your general market consumer since you haven't been speaking to them or haven't been as relevant to them as long. 所以要理解你要克服的商业挑战, 那么将其与KPI结合起来就很关键了, 但无论如何, 总是, 如果你能以一种非常客观的方式接近KPI, 我认为从创新的角度来看,这就是我们一直倾向的地方.”

Paez further highlights the responsibility of media companies to deliver relevant content to the desired audience and the importance of understanding the unique challenges of individual audiences. 因为从一般市场的角度来看,你的KPI可以是转化率, 但从西班牙裔的角度来看, 他们甚至没有意识到, 在同一场比赛中,你将如何衡量它们? 你无法测量相同的东西. 所以如果你不能清楚地了解你的挑战对每个观众来说是什么, 这就是问题所在.”



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The challenge with FAST advertising is how to serve appropriate ads when limited first-party data about the consumer is available. Contextual advertising can provide targeting for this untracked FAST audience adding scene-by-scene detail of exactly what a viewer is watching, and a new partnership between Anoki and Amagi aims to take content-to-advertising matching to a new level.


Launched by the IAB Tech Lab's Advanced Television Systems Committee and designed to "provide standardized identity management for ad creatives" through metadata, ad - id的设计目的是将流媒体广告插入——特别是现场活动——带出“狂野的西部”,派拉蒙的Jarred Wilichinsky说, 为了停止, 除此之外, 广告的盲目重复拖累了许多流媒体体验. Wilichinsky, Roku的Charlie Goodman, JWP的David Palomento, Akamai的Peter Chave,以及Infinitive的C.J. Leonard weigh in on Ad-ID's progress and its potential impact on the streaming ecosystem in this discussion with Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz 在纽约流媒体.

流媒体连接 Sneak Preview: Over the Hedge - Monetizing CTV and FAST Channels With Samsung, Roku, TVREV, 和IAB技术实验室

周三, 8月21日, adtech expert Tim Ware will moderate the panel "Over the Hedge: Monetizing CTV and FAST Channels as Walled Gardens Proliferate." The emergence of the smart TV OEM has created increasing opportunities for platform distributors and challenges for content providers as distributors grab greater percentages of inventory and revenue splits to generate greater revenue upside to selling the hardware. How do programmers contend with the high costs of programming that require ad support among the next generation of walled gardens in smart TV OEMs? 来自三星、Roku、TVREV和IAB的行业专家小组将深入讨论这些问题.


随着CTV吸引了比以往更多的广告资金和观众, it's crucial for advertisers to ensure that they are optimizing their reach with the best-targeted data to represent audiences and outcomes, 同时尊重数据隐私法和个人权利. What are the most significant challenges surrounding data identity and the privacy economy in today's CTV advertising ecosystem? How can content owners and platform providers supply advertisers with the user data that will maximize growth without violating personal privacy or privacy laws? And how might the idea of "TV" itself be redefined in an era when multiscreen use beyond the living room is so prevalent?


随着越来越多的优质内容工作室开始认真对待FAST(免费广告支持的流媒体电视), 频道的数量也在持续增长, 独立流媒体如何与有限的预算和内容竞争? 它不仅仅是寻找和专注于一个利基市场吗? 独立流媒体联盟联合创始人弗洛里斯·鲍尔来自火药公司 & Sky and Tim Ware from Crackle Connex discuss both their individual and collective strategies for surviving, 蓬勃发展的, 并在这段来自纽约流媒体的视频中使用流媒体轻松赚钱的马里昂·兰切特.

流媒体连接预览:广告顾问-提供流媒体广告转换, Estrella Media, Vevo, TVREV, 倡议, 与广告主的认知

周二, 8月20日, 在流媒体连接, 艾伦Wolk, 联合创始人/首席分析师, TVREV, 将主持“广告顾问:投放转化流媒体广告?,面对当前的挑战(或, 有人会说, failures) to reliably deliver the right ads to viewers and measurable results to brands and discusses innovative technologies and strategies to make streaming ads perform. 已确认的小组成员包括Estrella Media的Christina Chung, Vevo的Julie Triolo, C.J. Infinitive的Leonard和Advertiser Perceptions的Erin Firneno.

遵循数据或保持品牌? 专注于dei的数字战略家的困境

Striking a balance between responding to what data tells you about your fan base's desires and staying true to your brand identity is a constant issue for digital strategists, 就像媒体生态系统的其他部分一样. 对于Fuse Media这样的公司来说,这尤其困难, 它的使命是为不同的观众讲述积极的故事, 当分析说“更真实的犯罪”或“更像TMZ”时.——Fuse Media副总裁, Digital Strategy Rashaun Hall explains how he walks this tightrope in this discussion with Media Cartographer 埃文·夏皮罗 在纽约流媒体.


从FAST的早期开始, the agility and strategic innovation that are hallmarks of startups and niche content companies have been critical to success in the FAST world. As the Independent Streaming Alliance (ISA) emerges to heighten the advocacy of niche FAST providers, ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, TMB的卡梅伦·萨莱斯报道, and Gusto TV's Chris Knight discusses how the FAST market began and has matured around nimble startups in this clip from 流媒体连接 2023.


Revry首席执行官 & Co-Founder Damian Pelliccione provides a capsule history of Revry's evolution and growth as a leading OTT niche vertical and the largest global aggregator and distributor of LGBTQ+ content, from its beginnings as a subscription-based service to a mostly ad-supported tribrid offering--with major partners in the Smart TV space and also global brands like McDonald's.